Everyone of us engages in the world of work in one way or another - when we walk into a shop we are walking into someone's workplace, when we ring our electricity provider we become part of someone's working day, even a visit to the jobcentre means visiting someone else's office.
These studies are designed to help all of us in various forms of employment, paid and unpaid, carers of old and young, to consider these activities in light of Christian discipleship.
Study Titles
What is Work?
Covenant and contract: work and rest
Fair remuneration for work
Faith, ethics, and work
Work and the Church: worship, church programmes, and Church operations
Work, community and transformation
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Faith and work remains a key issue for Christians who are serious about living out their faith in a 21st Century world. ICF has a long history of supporting Christians in the workplace and developing resources that help churches relate to the world of work. ICF are a British, ecumenical, membership-based organisation that can offer advice and support to individual Christians and businesses.